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Friday, August 29, 2008

Spider and the dog

Camel spiders give a painful bite - image from The Sun

A terrorized Lorraine Griffiths recounts her horrifying experience of being driven out of home. By a spider. She says it even killed the family dog, Bella, after the dog tried to confront it. It all started with her husband Rodney coming home from war in Afghanistan to their home in Essex, England. She surmises that the creature, thought to be a camel spider, arrived with him in his bag. She said the family has now moved in with her mother and they are trying to catch the spider by laying traps. What a tangled web ...

What are camel spiders?

Watch a camel spider


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I love nature and animals and this blog is my view of the lighter side of life found in animal capers. I also try to do my bit by writing about endangered animals. Apart from that I want the blog to be useful and informative, so I include some interesting fossil discoveries by trying not to sound too scientific! I hope this blog is interesting enough to leave a comment!

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