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Friday, September 5, 2008

Christian the Lion

Christian loved the television - Image from

Probably the story of Christian the Lion is known to most of you. But I chanced upon it today and it has touched a chord. Christian was one of the "exotic" animals caged and kept on display in Harrod's back in 1969. When a friend reported this exciting fact to Australians Anthony "Ace" Bourke and John Rendall, they went to check it out, out of curiosity. They spotted the 35 pound three month old lion cub and immediately felt sorry for it and bought it. Christian was brought up as a member of the household, spending his childhood playing in the living room and playing soccer in the garden. Finally when he got too big for the house the two friends realized that he had to be released back into his real home. So they took him to Kenya and released him in the wilderness with the help of George Adamson in 1971. They visited him periodically and then stopped. Several months later they were told he had adapted to his new environment, and the two returned to say goodbye. The video is a must watch. Such a heartwarming moment.

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I love nature and animals and this blog is my view of the lighter side of life found in animal capers. I also try to do my bit by writing about endangered animals. Apart from that I want the blog to be useful and informative, so I include some interesting fossil discoveries by trying not to sound too scientific! I hope this blog is interesting enough to leave a comment!

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