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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

That sinking feeling

Chalupa will not take a bath easily again - Image from Digitriad

I couldn't write this week because of this bizarre new system in our workplace, where all the sites that we visit are tracked and sent to the big boss. Ugh. So from now I have to write my posts in the evening :( Anyway here goes today's.

Bathing can become a trauma as Chalupa the chihuahua discovered. What should have been a leisurely bath turned into a troublesome irritation when one of her rear paws got stuck in the kitchen sink drain when her owner was bathing her. Ruth Gallagher who lives in Homer City, Philadelphia, said her daughter was bathing Chalupa when the dog got wedged. Everything from ice to cooking oil to liquid soap was poured down the drain in a rescue efforts but to no avail. Finally they had to turn to the fire department for help, who had to dismantle the entire plumbing system beneath the sink to un-stick Chalupa's paw. It took 30 minutes to dismantle and Gallagher is grateful for their efforts but it may take hours to put the sink back together and Gallagher is on the lookout for a good plumber.

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I love nature and animals and this blog is my view of the lighter side of life found in animal capers. I also try to do my bit by writing about endangered animals. Apart from that I want the blog to be useful and informative, so I include some interesting fossil discoveries by trying not to sound too scientific! I hope this blog is interesting enough to leave a comment!

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